Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
200 gpts
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17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
GHS 25.00
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
200 gpts
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
GHS 25.00
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
200 gpts
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
GHS 25.00
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
View Reciept17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
GHS 25.00
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
200 gpts
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
17th April, 2018 @ 06:33 GMT
Hi John, you have a pending invoice of GHS 25.00 with the new Hubtel Cafe in Kokomlemle. Kindly review and approve your payment.
0244 123 456
EXP: 06/99
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0244 123 456
EXP: 06/99