
View customer feedback and ratings on your service.

Customer Phone Number Ratings Feedback Date and time
Janet Eleven
Owusu Marfo
+233 200 123 456 Good Awesome customer service from the sales rep. Kudos. 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am
Janet Eleven
James Thompson
+233 200 123 456 Bad The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Janet Eleven Owusu Marfo

+233 200 123 456 Bad The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Janet Eleven Kwabena Adu

+233 200 123 456 Good The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Kofi Asante

+233 200 123 456 Medium The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Janet Eleven Owusu Marfo

+233 200 123 456 Medium The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Janet Eleven Alvina Aje

+233 200 123 456 Medium The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am

Janet Eleven Kwabena Adu

+233 200 123 456 Medium The items delivered where not the same as the one I saw online… 19th April 2019 - 07:02 am
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